1930 Dora Meeking at King Rocks camp. goat kids part of herd used for milk, butter and meat.
1932 Meeking_s Model-T Ford – modified1
1932 Meeking_s Model-T Ford – modified
1940_s Mrs EM Meeking separating milk fom cream on farm during the war
1940 one of the seeding plants on Meeking_s King Rocks farm
1934 Hay cutting at theo Walton_s property east Hyden
1936 Maurice Brown farm, old car with dead sheep. Maurice bought farm from Frank Gomme fix.
1936 Maurice Brown farm, old car with dead sheep. Maurice bought farm from Frank Gomme edited.
1929 WC Mouritz_s first home of mud brick Roe Loc 801 east Hyden
1933 outside McLennan_s old home at farm north of Hyden
1928 Meekings first camp on their humps block, Roe Loc 1039
1928 Len adn Percy Meeking with Model -T truck on the Humps block
1928 HJ Nicholl_s first Shed Roe Loc 1043
1930 Tom Lynch_s team of horses with teamter Bob Clark
1935 Wheat crop on meekings farm at King Rocks L-R len Meeking, Mrs E Meeking, Dora and Bess Meeking(twins)
1933 The Radbourne childeren Ken, Prue and Cliff at lake Carmondy
1934 haycarting at theo Walton_s property east Hyden
1934 Mrs A Nicholl about to journey into Hyden siding from the farm Roe Loc 1034
1938 Meekings with a laod of pigs for market L-R len, Frank and Percy Meeking jim jolley on top of truck
1939 rams on _Baydon_ CH radbourne_s property Lake Carmondy Roe Loc 1104
1934 Theo Walton and his horse
1934 Theo Walton_s mob of working horses
1934 Hay carting at Lynch_s
1939 Bough shed at McLennan_s L_R Andy McLennan, his sister Meg and Bill Mclennan
1931 Duncan McDonald carts first load of wheat for the Hyden stack L-R Dick Ellison, Duncan Mc Donald, Ray Roberts, Aussie Sedgemann
1936 First two rams outside chaff house at Marsh property
1935 VG (George) Lovering unloading wheat from his International truck note the single bag scales
1931 three of Hyden_s few femalw residents
1930 Dun_s first camp
1932 Duncan McDonald and Jack Moore carting wheat into Hyden
1931 Duncan McDonald carts first load of wheat for the Hyden stack L-R Dick Ellison, Duncan Mc Donald, Ray Roberts, Aussie Sedgemann
1934 transport by horse _ dray, Mrs A Nicholl to journey to Hyden siding ex Roe Loc 1034
1932 May Watters and Connie Maynard cooling off at Hyden Weir stand pipe
1930 Ted Potts and R (Bob) Dalton road making for Kondinin Roads Board
1929 Pioneers of the Carmondy district (East Hyden) celerbrate at fresh water lake on Thompson_s Woodlands
1930 Tree marked Frank Hann 1900. (He was a explorer in king Rocks reserve). The tree was destroyed by bushfire in 1929-30. Twins Dora and Betty Meeking near tree.
1928 HJ (Horace) Nicholl sittting on bales of corn sacks with a food parcel from England
1934 Christmas at Arthur Marsh_s property, east of Graham rock L-R Doreen Marsh, Arthur marsh, Syd Agapof, Nikolas Frolov, Edgar Smith , (unknown).
1930_s Going _somewhere_ Gill Japp, Connie Maynard, C Bremner, Robert Want, George Want and Mrs Johnston.
1928 HJ (Horace) Nicholl with a food parcel from England and letters written to him
1938 Ken Radbourne and pony _kitty_
1938 Ken Radbourne and pony _kitty_ dark shot
1930-33 Charles and Mrs M Johnston, Irma and Audrey, South Hyden
1930_s Jim _ Connie Honisett with Barbara _ Irene
1930_s Family Jim _ Connie Honisett with Barbara _ Irene
1937 Elliot and Mrs Thompson children Valerie and Ronald at the Karlgarin Show
1935 Party at Gorringes Honnisett Gorringe Marsh Duns and Thompson Children Original
1935 Mrs E Meeking and sons Frank and Len 2
1932 Moore Wedding L-R Valerie Johnston, Irma Moore (ne Johnston) Audrey Johnston
1930_s locals swimming at Hyden Dam – L-R Ivan Dunns, 3 x unknown, George Want
1930 Francis Dun amd his mother Mrs McPherson
1931 wheat carting, truck, at stack awaiting the forthcoming railway line being built to Hyden